I just finished this piece that I had donated to A local Fund Raiser for the American Cancer Society. I had a lot of fun with it but really put myself under the gun trying to meet the deadline. I hope I have learned a lesson from this one, in fact a couple.

First, I was asked if I would donate something a few weeks ago and I knew that I had plenty time to fit it into "at that moment" a very light schedule. Well let me tell you, We have been very blessed over the last couple weeks with an overload of great work for the shop, and with an already full home life, well...you can see where this is going. One thing lead to another and before I knew it, I'm finishing the piece right before the auction...I mean, "RIGHT BEFORE THE AUCTION"...Phew!, nothing like a little pressure...But I'm happy to say, I got it finished and took it to the event with an hour to spare. It had received three bids within 30 seconds. It was great to see peoples reaction to the artwork and know that it is going to help raise money for the American Cancer Society.
I guess the next couple lessons that stands out is that if I'm going to do this kind of stuff, then I need to plan ahead better and manage my time more efficiently. Two things I seem to struggle with at times. I think part of it is because I'm an Artist. Truth is I shouldn't use that for an excuse and just make a better effort to not let that happen anymore. Its to stressful and I'm not any good to anyone around me if I'm all stressed out. In fact my wife likes to point out that I can be a real "Donkey". when I put myself in those situations. And she's usually right!
I'll post an update after I learn what the final bid was...Lets hope that it does well for the cause and let us all pray that we see the day that all of the American Cancer Society's work is not in vain.
God Bless everyone and till next time...Make it a great day.