Tuesday, May 17, 2011
New Art / New Art Happens!
Hi everybody, Its that time again, Rodney and I are holding another Art Happens on June 4th. We have both been working on new artwork and the shop has a few more things going on, so we thought it would be nice to invite you all for another Open House. We will be open from 10:am till 3:pm, or until the we run out of art. I will be posting the demonstration times and we both will have new art for sale. So be thinking of art for your Dads and husbands for there man caves this coming up Fathers day! Remember, guys like art too!
Hay, if ya like to draw or create art, bring your sketch pad or your portfolio. Rodney and I are thinking about inviting new artist in to show a piece or two at our next Art Happens and this would be a great day to show and tell. So we hope to see you all there for this June's Art Happens. Make it a great day and may God bless...!