Monday, January 27, 2014

Long Time, No See!!

Will now, it has been a while since my last post... 
Let's see what I can do about that.

  A lot has happen in the last few months, so much so that I dare not post due to fact that my thoughts where in a whirlwind of indecision. That's just my fancy way of saying that I didn't have a clue what I was doing or where I was going. But I believe I can safely say that I'm coming out on the other side a much better person. "At least I feel better...."

  Where do I start.. hmm... I guess a little back history before I get to far ahead of myself. For those of you that don't know me, I have been a part time artist for most of my life. Working at what ever job that would allow me to create art on the side. For the last 10 years I have had a sign business. There were a lot of things about the business that was great, but still, it was a job and my art was still a part time, or after hours. For the most part, I was still trying to make time to do the things I really wanted to do. Well, about a year or so ago, a wonderful friend of mine ( Michael Gebbon ) planted a seed in my head that really got me thinking. The shop was struggling at the time, mostly because the industry took a big hit, ( like most everybody else) in 2008. It didn't help much that the sign business was getting choked out by an over saturation of shops in my area, most of them working out of their homes. But the truth be known, I was becoming overwhelmed and just burned out trying to keep things above water. So, anyway, my good buddy shared a phrase with me that I had heard before, but really never applied... He asked, " Have you ever heard Einstein's definition of insanity?".. I "being the know it all" said to him, sure.."Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results!". After a short pause, and a couple funny looks... It hit me. And for some "Good Reason", I could not get it out of my head. That is exactly what I was doing with the sign business... banging my head against the wall, waiting for something to change. When all it took was opening my eye's to see that it was not going to change unless I changed it. So over the course of the past few months, things and thoughts have been melting and focusing to what it is I really want for myself and what is best for my own will being. Note: I do have to interject here and say that none of this would be remotely possible with out the complete and "sometime blind" support of my awesome wife, daughter and outstanding group of friends. So with no further a due... let the rest of the story unfold...!

  So let's go back to something I said earlier and expand on it a little. I mentioned something about the way I was thinking. More specific, the questions I was asking myself. I was in a rut and just couldn't get out. The change came about when my buddy introduced a better question. What I learned from my friend was I had to ask better questions... Sounds simple doesn't it? Well, it is and it isn't. It works kind a like when you learn anything new for the first time. And when you start anew, you can't jump to the middle or the end of the story and expects everything to work out. You got to go back to the basics. You start learning how to get better results from the questions your asking, and before you know it... your heading down a better path. I know this has been a long introduction and I promise to share more about the process and methods I've used to make the changes that I have been going through, but I will save all of that for another time...

  Now that I have covered what has happened in the last few months, it is about time that I share with you what is planned for 2014. 

  My goal with this new blog is to create articles about my art, what I have learned, and whenever possible... the funny things that happen along the way. I will also be sharing articles and other websites that I have found useful and inspiring.

Upcoming topics for 2014 are:

In The Studio. Step by Steps and How Too's on Art and Projects I'm working on in the Studio.

What's It All About?  Reviews on places, books, and products I have used in creating some of the projects you will be seeing.

Who's that?  I will be introducing other Artist sites and cover a little about how they have inspired me. I'm looking forward to having a few guest artist post as well. 

Contest! Contest! Contest!  From time to time I will be making original drawings, prints and other goodies available for fans of the blog!

Mark Your Calendar.  Information about events, demos, contest and online workshops! 

New Online Store.  Opening soon! I will be offering original artworks, prints, sketchbooks and more...

-You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, and we will be on Pintrest very soon. The best way to not miss a post is to sign up for our email list and rss feeds to this blog.

I'm so excited to hear from you all, Thanks for your time and have a Great Day...!

Karman Fairless